If we deepened the knowledge of the most ancient religions and oriental holistic practices (Shinto, Buddhism, Taoism) we would find in each of these moments, practices, ceremonies, symbols, which, in some way, are similar to various aspects of the practice of Reiki.
It is therefore plausible and reasonable to think that Reiki was the result of the path of spiritual growth, study and meditation of a particularly sensitive and enlightened monk: Mikao Usui (1865-1926) .
It is to him that we owe the syncretization of the method, the development of the initiation ceremonies, the harmonization and balance techniques of Reiki. There are many versions, and the more or less recent and more or less serious and credible discoveries about his history and his life, but basically we believe that their impact is very poor, if there is one, on the meaning and on the Reiki practice as well as Usui, through the Masters initiated in his descent, has handed it down to us.
Usui limited himself, in his great, enlightening humility, to perfecting the method, to put it into practice on himself and on many other people, to pass it on to his initiates.
After his death, of course, inevitably, Reiki began to spread exponentially in the world: his students in Japan created the " Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai "; Chujiro Hayashi in the West has given life to a diffusion/westernization that has led Reiki to be today a discipline practiced by millions of people, in different ways, but this is naturally part of the normal evolution of everything, certainly also of Reiki.
The Healing
Why do we talk about harmonization?
Why do we talk about balance?
Why do we prefer to refrain from using the much-abused word "healing"?
It is very simple: Reiki is a holistic discipline and as such it starts from the assumption that the human being is made up of an inseparable mixture of Soul and Body, Rei and Ki, Universal Essence and Individual Essence.
In this “unitary dualism” the triggering cause of the symptom must be sought: simply a conflict, a disharmony, an incoherent vibration between these two elements. It is in the unresolved persistence of the symptom, due to the fact that the individual, often, for a thousand different reasons, fails to recognize this disharmony, this conflict, that the true and profound triggering cause of the disease must be sought.
The symptom is neglected, perhaps simply attributed to the "cold shot" rather than the accident ... In reality, the conflict presses to be identified and resolved, and then it is expressed through our points of greatest sensitivity: for some a fever, for others a sore throat, bronchitis, an intestinal problem, rather than through much more serious, debilitating, disabling diseases; sometimes fatal.
The question is: Does Reiki heal?
And if it heals, does it do it better or differently from allopathic medicine?
The answer to both questions is: absolutely not!
Reiki never stands, for any reason, in contrast to or as an alternative to allopathic medicine.
Just as Reiki does not "heal" from diseases. Or at least it doesn't do it in the way we are used to thinking about healing.
Reiki works by bringing the individual back to a situation of harmony, of vibration consistent with himself, with the whole Universe, with his fellow men. This often has a spectacular effect on people's physical condition as well.
However, it is important to never forget that Reiki is neither the medicine nor the doctor. Reiki is a means of harmony, awareness, peace with oneself and with others: in two words, spiritual growth.
Reiki is not the creator of anything, Reiki is a tool. “Only” an instrument, sacred, splendid, marvelous, sometimes astonishing. But only one tool. To be used with respect, with care. A tool to be used in every moment of our life, without parsimony but always with great gratitude.
To attribute to Reiki the task of healing someone from something would be like buying a beautiful bicycle and expecting it to take us to the end of the world.
Spiritual Growth
How can Usui's teachings be used for our spiritual growth? The path is long, exciting, often difficult. Usui taught us that there are three different levels of Reiki through which the student makes his personal and never the same path of evolution:
- The First Level (Shoden) is the level of the material plane.
At this level the student learns to recognize his own material needs, to recognize and express without hesitation all his emotions, be they comfortable or uncomfortable, recent or ancient. In the first level, you learn to live according to the five principles of the Meiji Emperor who so wisely Usui hands down to us as indispensable tools for living in harmony with our fellow men and with the Universe in its totality.
- The Second Level (Okuden) is the level of the spiritual plane.
Here you learn to relate your needs with your Spirit, with the Universal Consciousness. You learn to recognize your own light, your own shadow. You learn to get in touch with the Universal Energy, the Universe, God, or whatever you call it. This is the level where we become aware of the profound difference that exists between the mind and the heart. It is the level at which one's true needs are recognized, those linked to the Spirit. It is the level where one learns to fulfill one's desires through action and no longer through “doing”. It is here that we learn to integrate our past experiences, to re-elaborate in a positive key all that materially or energetically keeps us tied up, blocked;
- The Third Level (Shinpiden) is the level of the Master.
The level of Service. At this point, after a challenging and luminous growth process, the student himself becomes a Master. He is personally committed to taking responsibility for helping those who so desire in their growth process. All this without ever forgetting its primary task which remains that of never stopping its own process of evolution. Only in this way can he be open and available to his students. Only in this way can he be a solid but at the same time flexible tool for growth for those who turn to him.
The process of spiritual growth, it is easy to understand, is inexorably a source of awareness, well-being, and happiness. It is the path through which, one by one, with patience and determination we go to dissolve all the energetic "blocks" that we have accumulated up to the moment in which we have chosen to take Reiki. It is the path that, hand in hand, gives us the right awareness because we never create blocks again. It is therefore the true and only engine of a real, rooted, lasting well-being and happiness. Not linked to time, no longer linked to small big events (pleasant or not) of our life, but directly proportional to the level of harmony that we are able to create between our Body and our Spirit which is actually an integral part of the Universal Energy.